Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Had some kind of weird nuclear test on my thyroid yesterday. They gave me a pill to swallow at 8:00am then I was told to return at 2:00pm for a scan. BUT... I couldn't be around pregnant women or small children for 24 hours because I would be

Oh that's just swell.....a glow in the dark granny


Granny said...

That's me...gamma ray bursts, out the butt....look out for a supernova!

Granny said...

Dear Martha, we should rename your blog..."Bloggie Cum Laude"... I need to switch you over to a beta blogger, then you too can make changes (easily)... Like instead of 'comments'..... you could say: 'no swearing'


ps: don't look at KT's blog today... she said the PH word,she said the PH word,she said the PH word,she said the PH word nah na na...