Sunday, November 19, 2006

Run, Pedro, Run

Once I see a movie, it gets filed way way in the back of my microfesh mind vault, which stays locked....for...ever.

When I attempt to relate the story line, or even a part there of.......
well, it gets all long and involved and full of irrelevant detail and pretty soon I have lost my train of thought and my audience and well, you know.

Which leads me to the movie Giant. My first big blockbuster movie. With big blockbuster movie stars. A big epic time line thing with Elizabeth Taylor and Rock Hudson and James Dean and some (almost) pretty good acting. Of all the great stuff going on in that movie, the best scene for me was 'The Thanksgiving dinner'....being forewarned about my desultory thought process, I shall now describe this movie, as best I can....

Leslie (Liz) takes the children home to her family farm (horse ranch) in Kentucky or Virginia or Tennessee. She is taking a break from Bick (Rock) because he is mostly ignoring her and being a little too mysognistic for her fiesty overindulged self.

At the family farm, we are treated with beautiful bucolic scenes of green pastures and white fences complete with a stately white Kentucky,Virginia,Tennessee mansion with the children riding beautiful little horses, playing on rolling vibrant green lawns and feeding farm animals which included a turkey name Pedro.

Fade to the Thanksgiving dinner table. Leslie (Liz) is unhappy because she forgets why she is mad at Bick and misses her hunka hunka man. Her parents are all unhappy, about what, I cannot remember. But the children, all cute and dressed like Indians native Americans, were the only happy ones...

UNTIL, the eyerolling servant grandly enters the dining room presenting a huge platter holding the turkey. A look of horror spreads amongst the children as they realize this is Pedro....whom I guess was a pet after all.

The room now is awash with unhappy folk, but the children trump the adults in unhappiness because they can cry louder and scrunch of their faces better.....

If you have stuck with me this far.

Have a happy one.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Migraines....what do they look like?

Found this on the web.... as I was trying to get some new info re: the dreaded migraine.

This is
Mark Fitzgerald's vision (of his aura) at the onset of a migraine.

So amazing to me, because this is what I see.... only mine is a bright pink superglowing blob. Pink isn't even a good word....Magenta....a pulsating, glowing, neon Magenta blob. When I see this blob, I know what is coming.... Oh God.

I haven't found any new information.... but these are some of my own ideas about my migraines.
1. They are not 'cyclic'... the only cycling I do is on an exercise machine and I actually don't do that either.
2. They don't seem to be food related. As in, Chocolate, Cheese, Wine.....the big three of the migraine culprits....
3. Stress? maybe... who knows. We all tend to make our own stress, outside factors only exacerbate what makes us anxious
4. For some reason, I feel quilty getting them, as if I caused them somehow. As if I'm being melodramatic with the vomiting and sleep of the dead. As if I'm looking for attention .
5. Pity the poor husband standing by, especially when he wants to do something for you....and you just want to be left a dark room....with four pillows on your head.

KT is starting a Detox Diet (to rejuvenate her cells and ultimately 'feel' better). I'm pretty sure yesterday's migraine was from just thinking about her detox diet.

I bow to you KT.