Friday, July 14, 2006

Just add water......

Dear Blog:

A 'few' of the things around the house I've managed to keep alive for more than a year.....

This is a plant we received as a Christmas gift three years ago... I have no idea what 'type' of plant it is.... hardy...that's for sure. The plant has no name, they don't live long enough around here to get names. Except for the Japanese Maple in the front yard... It's name is Fred... in honor of the landscaper who wanted to pull it out, but I refused. I think I'm the only one who knows it's name is Fred.... sorry Fred.

Waited a little too long to take this photo... the blooms were magnificant a week ago. Don't know where I got this (I think a patient brought it to the office).... But it obviously likes the location...needs to be divided.
shouldn't count this...but it is too beautiful, so I must.... Been in our front yard for almost ten years now, and although three months out of the year....not so good.... the remainder of the year, it is gorgeous....

okay....this is Bubba....he has been consuming lots of water. He came as a week-end house guest seventeen years ago. I don't know how old he was...but he wasn't a kitten. We love Bubba and fear his days are winding down.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Summertime Toys

Dear Blog

Bath toys..... I need to take them out of the upstairs bath. Can't seem to bring myself to do it. Jogs memories of some wet, happy, giggly, splashy times.

This guy
Love him
He'll never be tossed out.....

good hocus pocus

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Family is too far away

Dear Blog.....

Matthew and me

Picture taken at the upper pond at Dover...
Times with the grandchildren too far and few between

Monday, July 10, 2006

Beelzebub has a devil for a sideboard

Dear Blog

I don't begrude growing old... not as much as I would begrude 'not growning old'...but I really have to wonder about some stuff. Like, when your age is judged by the songs you like. An employee in the office doesn't know who Freddy Mercury is..... This person is
only 23 years old.....
and because I did know who Freddy Mercury was.... I must be old

WHAT?? Here is a news flash my friend....

DH is SIXTY-THREE and he doesn't know who Freddy Mercury is...... but he knows who
uh...uh....uh James Brown is (sorry, couldn't think of his name for a moment).

So maybe I do know who Freddy Mercury is (was).....the truth is, all these years I thought the 'title' of this entry to be lyrics from Bohemian Rhapsody. It wasn't until Google (all hail!) came into my life, did I learn the real words...

'Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me'

So at this point (who ever you are reading this) you are saying (in your head).... and......the......point ?

Well, I.... just..... don't..... know...... I'm so off track. But I do know this... The other person in the office did know Freddy Mercury and remarked..."Oh yeah, he acted like a real flamer on stage, but sang great stuff"

Hellooooo? Queen?

I'm going to link google to this site, just as soon as I learn how.....
just to redeem myself

This is my first post ever in the world..... can you tell? :)